Travelin’ Thursday

This past weekend Captain America and I visited some of his family at a reunion-of-sorts in Prineville. His brother’s wife’s family owns property out in the country, on which they have built a “western town.” Her father initially started the project for their wedding, and over time new buildings have gone up, such as the…

A Halloween Haunt

Since I’m a little too old for trick-or-treating these days, and not quite old enough to have any trick-or-treater’s of my own, one of my favorite parts about Halloween is decorating the house.  Every year I go into the garage and haul out the boxes, hoping I won’t find any REAL spiders when I pull…

A Drive Around Town

The other day was a most interesting drive around town!  Even though I was just running errands, the sky was doing amazing things, I saw a church driving down the middle of the freeway, and even encountered a limo in one of the sketchiest neighborhoods we have. Look at how many different cloud patterns are…

Wild Turkey X-ing

My town has wild turkeys.  I have no idea where they came from, or where they…roost?  But a few years ago they just started appearing in the oddest places. Like the middle of the street. Why did the turkey cross the road?  Perhaps it was because the light was red. They’re actually prettier than you’d…

Thunder Clouds

Because I’m still a little worn out from yesterday’s road trip, here are some pictures I took of the thunderstorm we had!  Luckily it waited until we got back into town before it unleashed it’s fury. Inspired by The Sugarlump :) (Sorry the quality is a bit poor – was using my camera phone) Storm’s…