The HWL has Moved

The Hand-Written Life Has Moved!

As of November 1st 2014, The Hand-Written Life has officially relocated to!   I am super excited about the switch to a self-hosted platform, and to continue to learn and grow as a blogger and as a writer.  Unfortunately this means that The HWL will no longer show up in your readers –…

What's New at The HWL

The Hand-Written Life Becomes TheHWL on November 1st!

Don’t forget! In just a few short weeks, The Hand-Written Life will go from being a Wordpress-hosted blog, to a Self-Hosted website at!
I’ll be doing one of these “reminder” posts every Friday for the rest of the month, to make sure that everyone gets notified of the switch – and has time to start following the new site so that you won’t miss a beat when one day we’re here…and the next day we’re gone!

Confidential Let's Get Personal The HWL

Let’s Get Personal

…Or not! Like many of my fellow bloggers out there, I take most of my inspiration from real-life situations.  Conversations had with friends or family members, experiences in relationships, the inner workings of my own brain – you name it, and I consider it fair game.  For the most part. However, when you’re sharing things…

New Page!

Hey guys! Just thought I’d let y’all know that I have a new page up for Frequently Asked Questions!  There are only a few so far, but if you’ve got any to add to the list, be sure to contact me here, and I’ll try and get back to you as soon as possible! Also,…